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Hear What Our Residents Have To Say!

"Sierra Hills has exceeded my expectations. The food is great. The service is excellent and all the staff is cheerful and happy. It’s a great place to live. I am very grateful my children brought me here. Thank you Sierra Hills! I love you all!"

- Gregg B., Resident

I contacted Sierra Hills for information regarding the community . I spoke to Robin and found her very knowledgeable and friendly. The information that she sent me was complete and though I'm not ready at this time to make a move, I will definitely consider Sierra Hills in the future.

- Velquita P.

I love the cleanliness and staff is always very helpful.

- Sheri T.

Mom is wonderfully cared for. She just feels a little isolated with COVID as do we all, but we know she is checked on regularly. We so appreciate that she is being kept safe and she understands. We thank and appreciate staff.

- Ethel B., Daughter of REsident

Homey, well ran and professional, very helpful staff.

- Ellen H.

I work for SEVA HOSPICE of Visalia Ca, and this wonderful place and the families that have loved ones here welcome US In to help love an take care of their patients/ family members. It is a clean, loving, nurturing retirement home. I highly recommend this home when thinking of placing your loved ❤ one when they may need a little more looking after, this is a place you can TRUST. Thank you Sierra Hills for welcoming US in and taking care of the beautiful loved ones who are in YOUR CARE!

- S G

The Sierra Hills Neighborhood

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